Before the beauty influencers, there was Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Venus and Athena. Women and goddesses initiated the way to beauty rituals and influenced many of nowadays treatments.

Beauty industry developed at it’s own pace, with ups and downs, since ancient times.

Did you know?

Firstly, our ancestors used their own skin care/body care herbs, plants and animal nature products. Because it enhancing and beautify different parts of the body.

In the XX Century, we discovered the benefits of Tretinoins, Botox, Alpha Hydroxy acids and Esthetic Surgeries.

What happens now?

The use of nanotechnology has created new ingredients with high-efficiency. However, some pharmaceutical companies have offered preparations obtained by advanced techniques and treatments: exfoliants, antioxidants, and retinoids with effect in cell renewal, brightening effect or stimulating collagen production.

Nowadays, technologies are using microencapsulated ingredients to create advanced products, as a result of multiple clinical studies. Increase in need for skin care, and beauty treatments demand for products made from natural ingredients, and attractive packaging fuel the growth of the global cosmetics market.

However, the increased interest for the industry, encouraged more companies to create their own skincare products.

Why do we need skincare?

History of beauty, Ancient roman baths, olive oils and Greeks, roman steam rooms and massage, Nefertiti. Beauty Treatments.

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