I was out of sight for almost one year. Here’s what happened:

This amazing story starts with the end of the pandemic lockdown. The country was opening slowly—so I was back to work. Excited and well rested, I was well aware that I might not have the same time to be as active as I was here, writing, planning, posting, and learning. I eventually started to feel dissatisfied at work, tired and frustrated at home because I wasn’t able to manage my time anymore. My life was going into the same vicious cycle, and I felt guilty for not chasing what I always wanted.

Before you dive deeper into this blog post, I suggest a quick read about how Skin Education & Wellness happened.

My life was on standby.

For me, the pandemic lockdown was actually one of the most productive times I had in years. One of the things I missed was social life. However, going out still made me anxious around crowds. At work, we started to get really busy, which eventually led to burnout. My partner and I barely spent some time together. All this along with trying to see our friends, clean, study, relax and run other errands. I simply couldn’t handle it, and my desire to design my Instagram and write blogs waned.

Can you relate?

For instance, at work, I was happy with my personal achievements. Then, I started losing motivation when I was aggressively multitasking, and it was lowering my performance. I felt that I was doing too much for what I was earning. The staff turnover was mental, which led to a lot of pressure on us. However, working in a spa can be very stressful! We made enormous efforts to have an impeccable guest journey. Here are a few of the reviews from my lovely clients.

Reviews from clients on salonspy after the pandemic. nightmare
Source: salonspy.ie

My amazing story wasn’t amazing until…

At the end of October 2021, the senior staff is going to Hydrafacial training. We were super excited about all the things we’ll learn, as well as getting to know more about this super popular treatment. My mind was a little bit elsewhere as I had a little hunch that I may be pregnant (my period wasn’t even due yet).

A week later, I decide to do one test even though my period got late like 2 days. My partner found out by discovering the positive test under his pillow. 😂😅

Months passed by and we had to come up with a better plan. Expecting a baby and not being happy with the current lifestyle made us take some serious decisions.

Unicornuate uterus – a risk of premature birth

How a unicornuate uterus looks like

I was scared and confused, as the Irish medical system was very different from the Romanian one. I have this congenital malformation called unicornuate uterus, which according to Cleveland Med. Clinic, “a unicornuate uterus is when a person has half a uterus with only one working fallopian tube and ovary.”

Yep, that is what my small uterus looks like. Cleveland Clinic says that “it’s rare to have a unicornuate uterus. Approximately 0.4% of the population has a unicornuate uterus. Of all the uterine abnormalities, it’s one of the rarest. ” I feel so special. 🦄

Without having this pregnancy risk, I could’ve only seen my baby after 12 weeks in the hospital. This is almost your full trimester! It’s insane! In Ireland, no one can scan your baby if you have less than 8 weeks, even if you pay between 200 and 350 euros in a private clinic. However, in Romania, if you get to the hospital/private clinic as soon as you find out, they can tell you straight away if your baby is fine and what blood tests you need to run. My main concerns were miscarriage, extrauterine pregnancy, and the risk of premature birth. First, all I wanted to know is that my baby is fine, placed where it belongs, in my tiny uterus.

I managed somehow with an urgent GP recommendation letter to be seen by a specialist before these 3 months, but only as an emergency. I couldn’t go home in my own country at such a last minute.

Despite the weird and simplistic system they have, I have been treated well, nicely, and with respect.

I would like to say that it’s been a moderate overall pregnancy with good and bad. I am 38 weeks now and I am over the risk of premature birth we are waiting for our baby girl is 3 days. More about my pregnancy soon…[working on it] – You should subscribe my newsletter.

Skin Education & wellness got married

My amazing story doesn’t end here

Since we found out about the baby, we couldn’t see any clearer in life. We just moved back home because I knew how important is to have support from my friends and family. As a bonus, I get better help from social services for my baby in my own country. I will explain why in another post. Every Romanian mother that works in the EU should know that.

We got married in June. Never been happier. More pics if you click the photo.

We worked a lot and felt miserable, concerned, and scared. Talking about it every night, what if won’t work out? We need plan B, C, D…Not knowing what can happen in such crazy times can be overwhelming.

We left Ireland without looking back. I will miss the fresh air, the evergreen, the 0 fucks given in general. No one cares what you are doing, how you dress, or what you eat. Here is different. Very intense, pessimistic mindset everywhere you go.

So what’s the plan now?

In conclusion, I plan to raise my baby here for the 2 years of my maternity leave. The goal is to write for you, learn and keep developing myself and not let you down. I am doing a lot of research, so stay tuned! My favorite products will be available soon in my shop where you can get all the details you need about products and skin to achieve the best results on a friendly budget.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter, to receive my latest posts. Weekly or every two weeks. Let’s see how life as a wife and mother will treat me.

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